Nearly 100 young, old, big, little, male and female met at Wildwood on Sunday, June 12,1927 in spite of threatening weather. Although we heard with sadness of the cloudburst in Chilhowee Mountains that caused Little River to rush up at the rate of one foot an hour for several hours bringing logs, wagons, drift and green trees on the crest of the flood, with information of destruction of land, roads, and great damage to the logging road from Tremont to Townsend. First news we had was by auto from Tremont sent ahead of the rising wave to look out for a rise of 30 to 35 feet, but at Kennedy Mills the rise was not over 8 feet. Only a sprinkle of rain fell on us and at noon many had come in and ate a bountiful spread and picnic dinner, all were satisfied.

The oldest person present was our old Soldier Veteran of the Federal Army, Uncle Harve, (William Harvey) Kidd, born in 1844 and past his 83rd birthday. He was the son of James, who was from Lewis Kidd, the head of all the Kidds and kidlets of Knox and Blount Counties. The youngest was Margaret Elizabeth Kidd, of Floyd, son of Sam, and he of Jefferson and he of Randolph Kidd, who was the son of Lewis, but she was only one year and ten months old. Yet a snapshot was taken of these two and it is hoped that it is good. Besides the numerous ones named Kidd, there were descendants named Abbott, DeArmond, Finley, Godfrey, Johnson, Porter, Smith, Ziegler and others.

A slight sketch was read giving the names of the original brothers as sons of Lewis being Lewis, Randolph, Edmund and William, Robert and John who were born near 1789 to 1811, these married to Paul, Hadley, Cook and other unknown. Greetings was delivered from Mrs. E.J.Looney of Hot Springs who was unable to attend. Rev J.R. Dykes delivered a splendid message on the responsibility of raising children.

W.E. Parham talked as to preserving history and said what he knew of the Kidd family was from examinations where it tied in with others. (He was a County Clerk, Blount County TN.) He had known the older ones that were alive after 1866 and many generations since, up to the present.
The election of officers resulted in Horace Arbeely Kidd, president, Floyd A. Kidd, vice-president, Mack Kidd, secretary and treasurer. There were families represented by the children of W.H.Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander, Porter and Mrs Peter French.

The next meeting will be at Clark's Grove the second Sunday in June, 1928 at 10.a.m.
It was a gathering of Kidds and only two goats (as Uncle Harve said) W.H. Kidd and Lee Kidd persist in wearing long chin whiskers!




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